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Under the leadership of Magellan Network Services, Tellabs’ strategic solution design, de…
Due to the expansion in our strategic global partnership with Tellabs Inc, we are current…
Rennes, 16th March 2017. CAILabs and Magellan have agreed a global cooperation which will…
Singapore, 2nd January 2016. Magellan celebrates its 15th birthday as a privately owned i…
Kuala Lumpur, 1st November 2015. Telekom Malaysia renews global Juniper maintenance  agre…
Singapore, 14th August 2015. Magellan granted full Importer, Exporter and Distributor lic…
Dallas, 3rd June 2015. Tellabs and Magellan sign Global Service Agreement. Tellabs Enterp…
Barcelona, 15th April 2015. Magellan announces global cooperation agreement with CSI Leas…